Geld ist der Treibstoff, der die Klimakrise antreibt.
But following the money and shifting where it's going is how we'll win.
Mehr ErfahrenWie wir gewinnen:
Around the world, people-powered movements are running strategic campaigns to take on financial players -- like banks, investors, and insurance companies -- to force them to shift their money out of fossil fuels and instead put it in our communities. We're demanding that big finance players and governments invest in policies and packages to ensure lower energy bills; homes and businesses fueled by renewables; upgraded and efficient buildings; and so much more that our families need. And we're rewriting the rules of the financial system to do so. Together, we'll forcing finance out of fossil fuels and into a just, clean future.
Globale Kampagnen von Communities, die sich an Finanzinstitute richten
Menschen, die an Aktionen, Mobilisierungen und Kampagnen teilgenommen haben
Divested from oil, gas, and coal
Erneuerbare Energiezukunft, für die wir kämpfen
Big finance is funding fossil fuels -- but should be financing our renewable future.
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Banks are backing the fossil fuel industry: in 4 years, the world’s 60 largest banks invested $3.8 trillion into fossil fuel projects and companies. While many of us do our part to slow climate change, banks use our money to prop up the very companies making climate change worse. Banks should stop funding fossil fuels and instead fund our communities and renewable energy.

Real climate action from investors is more pressing and important than ever. More often, we’re seeing climate-fuelled extreme weather events debilitating communities across the world and leaving death and destruction in their wake. If climate chaos, enabled by the investment industry, is allowed to wreak havoc on this world, shareholders will have a lot more to worry about than just their profits drying up. Shareholders should be demanding more clean energy policies and financing.

The fossil fuel industry depends on insurance coverage for building and maintaining its coal mines, power plants and pipelines. Insurance companies are supposed to protect us from catastrophic risks. Yet when it comes to the largest threat to humanity – climate change – insurers are perpetuating dependence on fossil fuels by insuring new coal, oil, and gas projects.